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The Best Wedding Photographers in Agra – Picsaura Studio does Premium Wedding Photography in which we do a little magic in your Elite Weddings, Theme Pre-Wedding & Pre Wedding Shoots. Nurtured with love and creativity, we will give you the most innovative and stylish concepts on your most precious day, we are the Best Photographers in Agra working in the belief that photos are one of the permanent reminders of your biggest day. We preserve every story in stunning and timeless pictures and films. During Wedding Photography, Picsaura Studio always believes in delivering high-quality Candid Photography, Pre Wedding Photography clicked by our supremely talented Pre Wedding Photographers with artistic Cinematic Wedding Highlight. We specialized in all types of Wedding photography, Pre-wedding shoots, Candid Wedding shoots, Concept/Theme based weddings, Destination Weddings, Model Photoshoot, Baby photoshoots & Kids photoshoots, and Maternity photoshoots in Agra, etc.
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Candid Wedding Photography In Agra
Best Candid Wedding Photographers in Agra – Picsaura Studio Agra believes that your wedding should be a self-spoken piece of art that tells a story of love for decades, so get your precious moments captured by the Best Candid Wedding Photography team in Agra, India. During Indian weddings, we can find amazing food, many guests, superb decorations, mesmerizing beauty, and great emotions, thus our highly skilled & experienced professional Candid Photographers produce brilliant portraits and images with a sense of realism. Indian weddings and marriages are usually like a festival and often very detailed, hence Picsaura Studio Agra tries to capture each Candid Photograph of Wedding Photography a story in itself so that our clients can cherish these memories for years to come.
Pre Wedding Photography In Agra
Best Pre Wedding Photographers in Agra – Picsaura Studio Agra holds a unique position in all photography departments in Agra. To be honest, a pre wedding photoshoot in Agra is totally different and more awesome, and much harder than Wedding Photography Shoot. Pre Wedding Candid Shots during Pre Wedding Photography require more detailing, intimacy, extraordinary venue, photogenic background, and classic editing to bring out a Wow Factor during Couple Photography Shoot. Pre Wedding in Agra mostly depends upon the theme, location, background, props, and chemistry between the couples in which our professional photographers are unbeatable; our quality is that we make our clients feel calm and composed as we make a very healthy and friendly environment with Wedding Couples so that both bride and groom don’t hesitate while shooting.

Destination Wedding Photography
Best Destination Wedding Photographers in Agra – Our best candid photographers just love to cover destination weddings and we serve clients all across the globe. Agra also is a dream place for all the foreign & elite clients for best wedding & pre wedding shoots. Our destination wedding photography team can travel all over India where the cost of travel, food & decent accommodation has to bear by the client. During Destination Wedding Shoot our team gets more energy as all the family members are under one roof, so our responsibility increases much higher which our Photography Team handles more passionately. Our Destination Photographers during this type of wedding shoot bring more life to each Shot. Destination Wedding Cinematic Teaser shot by us, always gives a fresh feeling & pleasure, even if anyone sees it after years.
Photography at Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal is a glorious ivory white landmark that is a symbol of true love. What else would be a mysterious Pre wedding shoot destination than that? It is a fantasy of every wedding couple to do a pre wedding shoot at Taj Mahal.
If you want to start a new journey of married life by having a pre wedding shoot at the epitome of love, the Taj Mahal or Even if you looking to have some heartfelt photoshoot for a lifetime, there could be no more excellent spot than the Taj Mahal. Experience with Picsaura this pre wedding shoot-cum-tour with us and take away all the beautiful pictures-cum-memories to feature the world how love truly affects you.

Infant/Kids Photography
At Picsaura Studio in Agra, we specialize in infant and kids photography, making every smile, every giggle, and every adorable moment last a lifetime. Our expert photographers have a knack for connecting with children, ensuring that each photoshoot is a fun and stress-free experience for both kids and parents. With a keen eye for those candid, heartwarming shots, we freeze those precious early years into timeless memories that you’ll cherish forever. Let us be your partner in creating a gallery of smiles, wonder, and growth – contact Picsaura Studio today to celebrate your child’s journey through captivating imagery.
Maternity Photography
At Picsaura Studio, we understand the profound significance of the maternity period in a woman’s life, and we are dedicated to preserving those precious moments through our exceptional maternity photography services. As the Best Maternity Photographers in Agra, we take pride in our ability to capture the raw emotions, love, and anticipation that come with the journey of motherhood. What sets us apart as the best in Agra is our unique blend of artistic creativity, technical expertise, and a deep understanding of the needs and desires of expectant mothers. Our team’s warm and empathetic approach ensures that every maternity photoshoot with Picsaura Studio becomes a heartfelt and enchanting experience, delivering timeless keepsakes that celebrate the beauty of this extraordinary phase in a woman’s life.

Cinematic Wedding Films In Agra
Being the Top Wedding Photographers in Agra, India, we shoot Wedding Videos in 4k resolution. It is our priority to develop the Best Wedding Highlights of our client where the wedding teaser can narrate the whole Wedding ceremony including all the events in the most romantic and inspiring way through a Cinematic Wedding Video. Picsaura’s Cinematic Wedding Videographers, over the years, have developed plenty of ways to capture the most romantic shots of couples via Cinematic Shoot and also take every single second of your wedding to make your grand day an affair to remember lifelong, with the beautiful blend of emotions, moments, and feelings. Wedding Teaser, we craft in such a way by our supremely talented professionals that it looks not less than a Bollywood Film Song full of love and emotions.
Best Videographer in Agra
The foremost popular sort of videography i.e. wedding cinematography combines the art of storytelling and capturing a video in more creative manner using latest equipments. These data will bring breathtaking Wedding Highlights & Wedding Teaser.
Other Services We Provide
Contact Us

Why Choose Us?
- Uses advanced photography equipments to deliver best pictures.
- Possess high technical skills and knows how to use different equipments efficiently.
- Prepare lights, flashes and props needed for capturing great photos.
- Able to click different types of picture including natural, romantic, portraits, boudoir and photo journalistic photographs.
- Chooses perfect background and location for shooting amazing photos.
- Captures photos from different angles to provide you with the best images.
- We are friendly, reliable, punctual and highly professional team.
- Able to provide you with reprints, special shoots, albums whenever necessary.
- Handles the process and editing photos to offer great photographs.
Our Achievements

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the different services provided by Picsaura Studio
Traditional Photography – Traditional Wedding Photography includes taking photos of the members of the wedding by setting up poses or by taking simple photos of the occasions. Our Wedding photographer will train you to sit in a specific place, stand against a specific background or pose in group pictures.
Candid Photography – Candid photography is a new and refreshing take on wedding photography. Candid photography is one of the stylish ways to catch natural feelings in any event. These days, brides, grooms, and their families generally don’t prefer posing for wedding photographs. Rather, they want candid wedding photoshoots which show all their feelings and happiness beautifully.
Bridal Portraits – The trend of clicking unique bridal portrait are getting a fury these days as it the stylish way to catching the definitive beauty of a bride on her big day.
Cinematic Photography – A Cinematic wedding film is telling a story. We do this through a mixture of speeches, images, and music. The film is shot differently as the Cinematographer will shoot in high-quality short clips. This is because we do the shot to tell a story, not simply archive each and every moment of the day.
Aerial/Drone Videography – Drone Videography will bring another viewpoint to your big day, not like your normal wedding photographer can achieve. The capacity to film everything you might do as you leave your home, capture your romantic perambulation along with Agra’s most iconic destination.
Albums – Each of our wedding ceremony photos designed primarily based totally to your tale so the final result is exactly as you’ve predicted it. Take benefit of unlimited variations and our optional Photo Selection Service to assist select the moments that mean the most when filtring through thousands of images.
Pre-wedding Photography – A pre-wedding shoot is a session where you book with your photographer a few months before the marriage. You can include these images in a reception and wedding slideshow which highlights your story or you can use it in your wedding invitation cards. You can make your pre-wedding totally unique as you wish.
Pre-wedding Videography – A pre-wedding videography is additionally a chance for yourself and for us to fabricate a bond. Thus, you will become familiar with our shooting style and sufficiently certain to cheerfully think back on your initial chemistry and remember that spark during a shoot.